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Tutorial: How to write your own `map` function in JavaScript

In my JavaScript learning journey, the map function has opened up a whole new way of writing JavaScript.

Using map has made my code much more readable and declarative, and anytime I have an array that I need to transform to an array of the same length, map is the first thing that my mind goes to.

If you haven’t had much exposure to functional programming or higher-order functions, map and it’s siblings: filter and reduce can take some getting used to.

How do we use map?

Before we get to writing our own version of map, let’s look at a simple example of how it’s used.

In order to keep things simple, we’ll start with a function that adds 1 to whatever number we pass in:

// Our simple adding function
function addOne(num) {
  return num + 1
// ... or as an arrow function
const addOne = num => num + 1

Now that we have an addOne function, let’s say we want to take our existing array and build a new array of the same length - but with 1 added to each element.

Without using the map or forEach functions, that code might look like this:

const someArr = [1, 2, 3]
const newArr = []
for (let i = 0; i < someArr.length; i++) {
  const result = addOne(someArr[i]);

You’ve probably seen this pattern a lot. Most programmers immediatley recognize it - which can actually be one of it’s strengths.

That being said, anytime we want to iterate over an array in our program and output a new one, we have to write a lot of the same boilerplate.

The unique piece of code - in this case the addOne function call - gets a bit lost in the syntax of the for loop.

Now let’s take a look at how to achieve the same effect with map:

const someArr = [1, 2, 3] 
const newArr =

Here map yields the same result but with much less code.

map is a higher order function. As you can see in the example above, it takes a single function in as its only required argument. We passed it the function addOne that we wrote earlier.

If you’re less familiar with higher order components, this looks weird and takes some time to get used to, but it’s a very powerful concept that’s important to unlocking the full power of JavaScript.

Building it ourselves

To get a little more comfortable with the map function, let’s build it ourselves. This might sound intimidating, but we’ve actually already done most of the work!

Our version of map (we’ll call it myMap) will take in two arguments: a JavaScript array and a callback function that will get called with each element of the array:

myMap([1,2,3], ourCallback)

This is slightly different than the built-in map function that we used earlier which is a method on the built-in Array and called with dot notation:

[1, 2, 3].map(ourCallback)

Writing myMap

Let’s start with our code from above:

const someArr = [1, 2, 3]
const newArr = []
for (let i = 0; i < someArr.length; i++) {
  const result = addOne(someArr[i]);

Looking at this code, we can see that the most of it is generic and not tied to a specific array or callback function. The exceptions are our reference to someArr and our call to the addOne function.

By wrapping this piece of code in a function, we can abstract out the array and callback (addOne) so that we can reuse it with any array and any callback:

function myMap(origArr, cb) {
  const newArr = []
  for (let i = 0; i < origArr.length; i++) {
    // For each array item, we call the callback function with 3 parameters:
    // the item itself, the index, and the entire original array...
    const result = cb(origArr[i], i, origArr)

    // Then we add the result of that callback to the new array...
  return newArr

That’s really it! You’ll notice that for each iteration, we are calling our callback with the current item (origArr[i]), but we’re also passing in two other arguments - i and origArr. What’s up with that?

Additional parameters to map

While we don’t have to use them, the built-in map function passes our callback function two additional parameters after the array item itself: the index of the current item and the entire original array. These can both be extremely useful when you’re writing more complicated callback functions.


Fundamental to the idea of map is that the original array is not mutated. Although the callback function you pass to map could theoretically change the array, this is generally frowned upon.

It’s best store the resulting array in a new variable and not modify the original array.

Here’s an example of mutating the original array. Don’t write code like this:

// An example of mutating the array in the map callback.
// Don't do this.
let oldArr = [1, 2, 3]
let newArr =,i,arr) => (arr[i] = arr[i] + 1))

Because the return value of the assignment expression is equal to the right hand side of the expression (in this case the values 2, 3, and finally 4), newArr will be equal to [2, 3, 4], but we’ve also modified oldArr which will also equal [2, 3, 4].

Don’t do this. If you ever catch yourself doing assignment to the original array, stop yourself, and figure out a way to make the callback pure.

In our simple example that would look like this:

// an example of mutating the array in the map callback
let oldArr = [1, 2, 3]
let newArr = => num + 1)

You’ll notice here that the callback we passed isn’t even taking the array index nor is it taking a reference to the array. This forces us to think about each value individually and not be tempted to mutate the original array.


The map function is just one of many that can make your code a lot cleaner. It can take some getting used to when you’re first learning to use it, but with practice it really does lead to cleaner code.